Spiritual Healthcare = “Humanizing-Personalizing-Demystifying” CARE

What is Planetree?

Planetree partners with healthcare organizations across the globe to provide a constructfor person-centered excellence — a proven process that leads to better care, betteroutcomes, better talent, and an organizational culture focused on putting patients andtheir loved ones first.

Planetree offers a full spectrum of consulting services to support you and your organization at any stage ofthe Person-Centered Care Certification journey. Whether you’re just beginning the transition to personcenteredcare or looking to evaluate, optimize, and sustain an existing effort, we offer training and supportthat keeps patients, their families, and the community at the heart of your processes.

Dr.Somporn Kumphong, M.D.

(Regional Representatives Asia-Pacific)

What is Planetree?

The program provides a structured, operational framework for evaluating the systems and processesnecessary to sustain organizational culture change. Through a rigorous validation process that engages patients, their families andcaregivers, the program recognizes healthcare organizations and providers that have achieved superior levels of practice of personcenteredcare. The program’s framework has been implemented in settings across the continuum of care and in 23 countries worldwide.


Our Service

Person – Centered CareAssessments

Person – Centered Infrastructue


Person –

Centered Skill Building

Planetree Fellowin Person

-Centered Care

Person –

Centered Care Certification

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