
Ensure Safety Build Trust.

Medical travel and wellness guests need to know your hotel or resort is safe and meets their unique needs and expectations. GHA WellHotel® Accreditation provides assurance and external validation that the proper programs and protocols are in place to mitigate risk and enhance guest experience.

Dr.Somporn Kumphong, M.D

GHA WellHotel

GHA Advisory Board

GHA Standard Committee

Executive Director GHA Asia-Pacific

Accreditation in Medical Travel + Well-being

Hotels and resorts that have programs focused on both the medical and wellness traveler can earn both program seals at the same time through a combined application process, expanding your demand from both niche groups of clientele.

This virtual accreditation is performance-based, practical, and offers comprehensive online training as an integral and complimentary component of the process. Hotels seeking to gain the trust and confidence of guests obtain a strong foundation of work practices and protocols that are sustainable over time.

Accreditation in Medical Travel + Well-being

Hotels and resorts that have programs focused on both the medical and wellness traveler can earn both program seals at the same time through a combined application process, expanding your demand from both niche groups of clientele.

aaci team consulting

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GHA WellHotel for Medical Travel

GHA WellHotel for Well-being

13 พฤษภาคม 2564



GHA WellHotel for Medical Travel

GHA WellHotel for Well-being

19 สิงหาคม 2565

Where Hotel Standards Prioritize Safety,

Health, and Guest Experience

With GHA WellHotel® Accreditation, guests know your hotel is committed to excellence while implementing the industry’s highest standards for cleaning, disinfection, and guest experience.

GHA WellHotel®

for Medical Travel

The medical traveler seeks a hotel that provides a guest experience that supports healthcare recovery. GHA WellHotel® for Medical Travel offers guests assurance and peace of mind that your organization complies with industry-wide cleaning and sanitation standards and meets the unique expectations and needs of a medical traveler.

GHA WellHotel®

for Well-Being

A wellness traveler seeks a hotel that provides a guest experience supporting a healthy lifestyle, whether traveling for business, tourism, or to a hotel and resort as a destination for well-being. GHA WellHotel® for Wellbeing offers guests confidence and peace of mind that the organization is committed to excellence and complies with the highest industry-wide cleaning and sanitation,

A Trusted Accreditation Body

GHA is the only accreditation program focused on medical travel; accrediting and/or certifying leading hospitals, clinics, and individuals for medical travel services. WellHotel® extends GHA Accreditation to Hotels and Resorts serving medical travel and/or wellness guests.

GHA WellHotel® Accreditation is designed to leverage your organization’s strengths to benefit your hotel and guest experience around the globe by:


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